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Samburu National Game Reserve

Samburu National Game Reserve

The animals of the Samburu National Reserve | Exploring Africa

Samburu National Reserve is situated within the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. Measuring approximately 104sq. kilometres (approx. 65sq. miles) in size, this unfenced savannah grassland is roughly 350km (217 miles) from Nairobi. It is relatively small insize compared to other Kenyan parks, such as Tsavo or Masai Mara. The reserve derives its name from the Samburu people of Kenya who have lived in the area for many years.

The Ewaso Nyiro River cuts through this reserve, drawing a big population of Kenya animals to the park. The river bustles with activity from its huge population of Nile crocodile.

AfricanMecca Tour & Safari Activities In Samburu In Kenya

The reserve’s topography is mainly open savannah (grassland) with clusters of acacia trees, forest, thorn trees and grassland vegetation.

Samburu National Reserve was one of the two areas in which conservationists George and Joy Adamson raised Elsa the Lioness. Their story was made famous by the bestselling book and award-winning movie “Born Free”.

Safari Samburu National Reserve | Fees, Game Prices [2022]

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